Update working conditions Goodix

On Monday January 16th we had a meeting with Goodix. In a previous meeting we had appointed that we would give Goodix more information related to our proposal:

4. Additional wages and underlaying systems
The method followed by Goodix regarding - Job evaluation/grading - Individual pay increase - Assessment system - Distribution of LTIs is experienced by our members as unclear. We propose to review the applied working method for points for improvement and to agree on monitoring for the duration of the new collective labor agreement;

We have showed a couple of sheets which had to do with a similar matter in another company and the way it worked out there. As we understood, there were no questions any more on this point after the presentation.

Goodix does want to have a more compressed social plan without making concrete proposals for it itself. We have informed them that they themselves are free to make proposals on this point. So far we have nothing received yet.

Now, because we were at the table with Goodix again, we asked about the progress which has been made by the Goodix management on their point of view regarding to our cla proposals. Goodix replied that it is not possible to say something about our proposals because of Chinese New Year. We will probably receive response in February.

As you might understand we are very disappointed on this same story we hear already for more than one year now.

Best regards,
Negotiating delegation, Nandor and Raymond

Arthur Bot
Bestuurder CNV Vakmensen
M: 06 2044 5190
E: a.bot@cnvvakmensen.nl