Update working conditions Goodix

On December 5, Nandor, Raymond and I had a consultation with Jinhua.
During this consultation, we explained our collective labor agreement proposals. In short, Jinhua has asked for a number of topics for further investigation:

  • the most important points of the social plan (I have stated that depending on the situation of the employee, one article is more important than the other and therefore no distinction can be made into important and less important).
  • It also concerns the consequences for the Collective Labor Agreement of the Work and Care Act (WAZO).

On January 11, we will discuss in more detail the collective labor agreement provisions regarding individual pay increases based on assessments, LTIs and bonus. It has been agreed that we will provide Goodix with more insight into the agreements on this with comparable organisations.

So, unfortunately, we cannot report any new appointments yet, but expect to be able to do so only in the new year. Looking back on a turbulent 2022 with strikes and all, we can only note that we are discussing your employment conditions with a new management. It can also be noted that this consultation is much more constructive than was the case with the previous management. Means that you as members will decide again in the coming year how to proceed with the consultation results at Goodix in Nijmegen.

It remains for us to thank everyone for the good cooperation this year and we look forward to finally agreeing an excellent set of employment conditions with you again in 2023.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

also on behalf of Nandor and Raymond,

Arthur Bot
M: +31 6 2044 5190
E: a.bot@cnvvakmensen.nl