Vote on the Metalektro Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) Result

Last month, CNV and other unions reached a negotiation result with FME employers regarding the new Metalektro CLA, also known as the large metal sector CLA. Now it's up to the members, including you, to vote on this. If the majority of members agree, there will be a new CLA (if FME members also agree). If not, we will discuss the next steps with you. Voting is possible until June 30. In this newsletter, you will find out how to vote and what exactly has been agreed upon.

On May 13, after five difficult negotiation rounds, a CLA result was reached in the Metalektro. Here is what we agreed on regarding your direct employment conditions. At the bottom, you will read how you can vote.

Wage Increase

During the term of the new CLA (19 months), wages will increase by a total of 9% (2.75% on June 1, 2024, 3.25% on January 1, 2025, and 3% on June 1, 2025). This seems like a lot, but remember that inflation is still high, these agreements run until 2026, and the Metalektro sector is generally doing well, with good prospects.

To give you a good overview, we have listed the wage increases for 2023, 2024, and 2025 and compared them with inflation.

2023 - inflation 3,8% - 0% wage increase

2024 - inflation 2,9% - 6,25% (01-01 3,5% (last CLA) + 01-06 2,75%)

2025 - inflation 2,0% - 4,95 % (compensation Pension premie -1,3% + 3,25% per 01-01 + 3% per 01-06)

In total - 8.7 % - 11,2% (= + 2,5%)

*Source: CBS and estimate by the Dutch Bank

Conclusion: Over three years, your wages will increase by 2.5% more than the (expected) inflation. That's 0.8% per year. While this number may vary for each employee, it seems to be market-compliant for now.

Other Agreements

  • The new CLA will be in effect from June 1, 2024, to December 31, 2025 (19 months).
  • Each Metalektro company may experiment with working hours with the unions (e.g., buying/selling leave hours, 4x9 work schedule).
  • Each Metalektro company may make agreements with the unions about greening and energy transition.
  • An investigation will be conducted to see if the special provisions for older employees are still appropriate.
  • The RVU scheme will be extended until 2031, provided the government maintains existing tax rules. If not, the RVU will end on January 1, 2026.


Regarding pensions, we have made a preliminary agreement to make the shift allowance pensionable. This is part of a new pension scheme starting in 2026, which is still being worked on. We will present this new pension scheme separately to all members later this year! Furthermore, the pension premium compensation will end at the end of this year, as it was previously agreed upon as a one-time arrangement.

Limited Achievements

Looking at all the CLA proposals we brought to the table at the start of the negotiations, we can conclude that, apart from wages, we have achieved little. For example, our proposal to improve the generation pact was scrapped, we couldn't eliminate mandatory shift work for employees over 55, and there will be no tax-exempt maximum reimbursement for travel and working from home. [See all CNV CLA proposals here].

On the other hand, the employers' proposals to worsen conditions were also not pushed through. There will be no broader working hours arrangement in the new CLA, no linkage of special provisions for older workers to the state pension age, and no separate compensation for helpers (other than the current CLA wage scales). [See all FME proposals here in Dutch].

**Conclusion:** Almost all proposals on both sides were dropped, leaving mainly a wage increase in the CLA.

You can read the entire negotiation agreement on our special CLA page for Metalektro.

All other topics not mentioned above, such as the generation pact, sustainable employability day, etc., remain unchanged in the new CLA. This means that union contributions can still be settled tax-friendly at the end of the year, so you pay just over ten euros per month with a full-time job!

What do the Committee Members think of this result?

Will Kroonen (Chair of the CLA Committee): "Despite all the effort, this seems to be the best achievable result. Of course, it's now up to the members to form an opinion and express it."

Bart Dart (Member of the CLA Committee): "The large metal sector is not keeping up with the times. For example, nothing is being done about the desire of higher-level employees to work part-time (generation pact), nothing about better facilitating caregivers, and nothing about making the 'heavy occupations' scheme (RVU) available to more employees. A missed opportunity to make the sector more attractive.

Jos Janssen (Member of the CLA Committee): "Financially, with a three-step wage increase, this is a reasonably good result. That shift work will gradually count towards pension accrual is excellent. Unfortunately, other arrangements haven't improved, which I would have liked to see. But, if it's up to me, these will be on the agenda for the next CLA negotiations. It's up to you as members to cast your vote on this."


Members will receive an email with a special voting option after this newsletter. So, keep an eye on your inbox and read the instructions carefully. Once you have cast your vote, it cannot be changed.

Discuss Your CLA

On the Metalektro page, you can follow the entire CLA process. Comment or ask your questions and always stay informed about the latest news on your CLA. Go directly to your page. Take advantage of this option and let your colleagues know about it. You don't have to be a member to watch and participate. Decision-making is, of course, only for members, so for you!

Questions or Need an Explanation?

Do you need further explanation about this agreement? Or do you have another question? Would you like to join the CLA committee? Let us know and contact CNV negotiator Arthur Bot by phone or email.

Arthur Bot
CNV Negotiator Metalektro
M: 06 20 44 51 90