Unions are working towards a deal on the new Metalektro CLA. Employers (FME) show no urgency at all.

Tuesday, November 3rd, the unions met the FME delegation for the 4th time. Again there was no result. Unions clearly showed that they are ready to agree on a new CLA, but FME again made insufficient steps towards an agreement. Even after the prolongation of Wednesday 4th did not help. The next round of talks will take place on November 18th. If no deal can be reached, the Metalektro CLA ends on December 1st, 2020. What is on the table?
The offer from the side of the unions consists broadly off:
  • A CLA for the period of 10 months: from December 1st, 2020 until October 1st, 2021.
  • A salary increase of 2.5% as of January 1st, 2021, with a minmum of 1000 euro per year or 14 euro per hour. Employers that cannot afford this salary increase can apply for a similar dispensation as is agreed in the Metal&Technology CLA.
  • Termination of youth salary grades: reward based on the job description, not on the age!
  • Increase in the pension fees paid by employers.
  • Generation pact: open to all employees above the age of 60 (80% work, 90% salary, 100% pension growth).
  • Maintain the heavy work dispensation for people of age.
  • Compensation for working from home of 2 euro per day (there is no free electricity for employees).
  • Maintain the facilities and funding of the A+O funds.
  • Agree on a national plan for sustainable employability.
  • Reimbursement of union fees.
  • Possibility for all employees with incomes up to 78.348 euro per year (base salary) to retire 3 years early (based on ‘heavy work’).
The broad strokes of the offer from FME
  • Duration of CLA of 25 months: from December 1st, 2020 until January 1st, 2023.
  • Salary increase of 0.75% on January 1st, 2021 and of 1.25% on July 1st, 2022.
  • Termination of youth salary grades.
  • Increase in the pension fees paid by employers.
  • Generation pact: maintain current agreement and only allow participation when a maximum of 20 vacation days are left for the employee.
  • Shift the heavy work dispensation for people of age to 5 years before national pension age.
  • Maintain the facilities and funding of the A+O funds.
  • Possibility for all employees with incomes up to 45.000 euro per year (base salary) to retire 3 years early (based on ‘heavy work’).
A full overview of these negotiating positions can be found with the overview of the entire CLA process at Je Achterban (www.jeachterban.nl/metalektro). Please let us know at Je Achterban how you feel about the process. Also you can find a complete overview of the entire CLA process.

CNV Vakmensen
Arthur Bot