Concentrix Survey

In 2023 CNV held a survey among employees of Concentrix Amsterdam because of a lot off complaints we got. This year we will repeat the survey. So if you have anything which you want to share with us, please fill in the survey. It is anonymously and only the union (CNV) has access.


In 2023 we held a survey among employees of Concentrix, the results we discussed with management. Especially the wellbeing at Tulip account worried us. We discussed and reported it to the Concentrix management in Amsterdam and England and us. We will repeat the survey, follow this LINK.

Please fill in the survey so we can point out to the management that they still have to improve your wellbeing. We ask everybody to fill in the survey, member or not, working for all accounts.
Please share this newsletter to all your co-workers so as much as possible employees are able to fill in the survey.

WhatsApp group

We also have a WhatsApp group, everybody, member or not can join. Link:

If you have any questions, email:

Roderik Mol
Union official CNV