CNV news for members at Concentrix

Am I entitled to a pay increase? We receive questions from members who wonder if the CLA applies for Concentrix + Webhelp and we get questions if the CLA applies for all employees. Basically does the CLA apply for you if you have interactions with customers. For a detailed explanation see below. Further we get questions about treatment of employees who are sick. And we need help to make the CLA better for everybody in 2025!

CLA or not?

Does the CLA apply for me? This is a question which I get from members. The answer is bit complicated. I will try to explain. 
•    The first question is for which company and from which date does the CLA apply? I will first look at old Webhelp and next to Concentrix. 
•    The second question is for which employee does the CLA apply (it does not apply to alle employees!!)?


Webhelp had to apply the CLA 2024 because of her membership of the organisation of employers WFC. You can find this on the website of the WFC.
So Webhelp has to apply the CLA since 1 January 2024. The website contains misinformation because it states that Concentrix + Webhelp is member of WFC thus implying all of Concentrix + Webhelp have to apply the CLA. According to old Webhelp this is incorrect, because Concentrix Amsterdam is still a separate legal entity. So on one hand Concentrix + Webhelp state to be one, on the other hand (when it suites them financially) they are not. In our opinion they should apply the CLA because Concentrix is one company, but this can be disputed. 


The CLA has been declared legally bound by the Dutch ministry of social affairs from 15 March 2024. So at least from this date Concentrix has to apply de CLA. But a CLA does not work retroactively. It is not forbidden for Concentrix to give pay increases retroactively, they are allowed to do to this since the CLA is a minimum. Concentrix is always allowed to do better. 

For which employees does the CLA apply?

Article 2 collective labour agreement states:

This collective bargaining agreement applies to any person who, on the basis of an employment contract employed by an employer, within the meaning of Article 1, who performs one or more 
of the following contact center activities:
- providing inbound calls for one or more third parties; and/or
- providing e-mails, chat, messaging or other digital and/or written channels for one or more third parties; and/or
- handling outbound calls for one or more third parties; and/or
- managing customer contact via the Internet for one or more third parties (hereinafter “employee”).
(See the Dutch text in case of interpretation)

So if you do not perform these tasks, the CLA does not (yet) apply to you.

Merit increase Concentrix Amsterdam

We got also questions about merit increase in Amsterdam, but we did not get all the information the employer distributed about this. If you have any questions, please send us an email with your questions. We asked employer to share the information they provided regarding CLA and merit increase with their employees, so we can assess it. 

New CLA 2025

As unions we of course want every worker to receive a pay increase (in the CLA 2024 it was at least 5%). Employers do not want that (yet). In the next CLA unions and their members want to change that. If you want to change this also, please join us in this struggle!! Apply as a member and become member of the action committee.

Complaints about treatment during illness

We get complaints how people are treated during sickness. One of the complaints is that employer asks people what kind of disease people have. You are not obliged to answer this. The health and safety officer (ARBO) is the only one who is entitled tot ask these questions. If you feel you are treated unfairly during illness, please use out complaints tool (you can do this anonymous)  Meldpunt Callcenters | CNV Vakmensen - Cao Callcenters | CNV Vakmensen


In 2023 we held a survey among employees of Concentrix, the results we discussed with management. Especially the wellbeing at Tulip account worried us. We will repeat the survey, see LINK.

If you have any questions: email

Roderik Mol
Officer CNV

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